Poniedziałek, 17 Lutego 2025  Imieniny: Aleksego, Zbigniewa, Lukasza


  • Report on the information meeting

    The local television station TG aired the material about the information meeting held at the headquarters of the City Office in Kalety on the project entitled "Efficiency energy improvement of the public building through a complex thermo-modernisation of the City Office in Kalety at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2", which is co-financed from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Fund 2009-2014 (from 8:55 minute of the material).

  • Efficiency energy improvement of the public building through a complex thermo-modernisation of the City Office in Kalety at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2.

    Registered office:

    Urząd Miejski w Kaletach [The City Office in Kalety]

    ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2

    42-660 Kalety

    tel. 34 352 76 30; fax: 34 352 76 35

    e-mail: sekretariat@kalety.pl

  • The grant from the Norwegian Funds for Kalety – city of Cittaslow

    The project co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014 the Operational Program PL04

    Kalety received the grant from the Norwegian Funds, announced by the Ministry of Environment, for the thermo-modernisation of the City Office building in Kalety. It is worth to notice that for the first time in the history of the Kalety local government, the City was able to raise funds from the Norwegian Funds. The total cost of the project entitled "Efficiency energy improvement of the public building through a complex thermo-modernisation of the City Office in Kalety at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2" amounts to PLN 1,103,990.00, where PLN 765,040.00 is the amount of the grant that was granted under the Operational Program PL04 "Saving energy and promotion of renewable energy" of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.  

    Within the task the works connected to the thermo-modernisation of the office building (including  external wall insulation, roof insulation, replacing windows staircase, replacing the front door), together with the replacement of heat source and assembly of solar collectors, will be executed.

    The tender to select a contractor is planned for April 2015 and the completion of the investment should take place in April 2016.

  • The contract notice for the investment entitled

    Efficiency energy improvement of the public building through a complex thermo-modernisation of the City Office in Kalety at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2 Notice no.: 99868 - 2015; date of posting: 30/04/2015

    CONTRACT NOTICE - construction works Publishing the notice: compulsory.

    The notice involves a public contract.

    SECTION I: Ordering Party I.
    1) NAME AND ADDRESS: Miasto Kalety , ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2, 42-660 Kalety, Silesian district, tel 34 3527630, fax 34 3527635. Ordering Party’s website: http://bip.kalety.pl I.

    2) TYPE OF ORDERING PARTY: Local government administration.
