Sobota, 07 Grudnia 2024  Imieniny: Marcina, Ambrożego, Teodora

Report on the information meeting related to the project entitled “Efficiency energy improvement of the public building through a complex thermo-modernisation of the City Office in Kalety at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2”

On Monday, 20th July 2015 in the session room of the City Office in Kalety, the information meeting on the project entitled "Efficiency energy improvement of the public building through a complex thermo-modernisation of the City Office in Kalety  at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2" was held, which is co-financed from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Fund 2009-2014. The conference was aimed at promoting this project and its organization stemmed from the EEA Fund guidelines regarding the promotion of projects.  The meeting was attended by the Member of Parliament  of the Republic of Poland Tomasz Głogowski, President WFOŚiGW in Katowice Andrzej Pilot as well as councilors of the City Council in Kalety: Vice-President Janiana Perz, Irena Nowak, Ryszard Sendel, Edward Drabik, Kazimierz Złotosz, Grzegorz Krupa, Piotr Kuder, Antoni Jeż, Krzysztof Rogocz, Alojzy Rupik, employees of the Department of Strategy and Development of Kalety and contractors and designers of the investment. There were also local media present. The meeting was also attended by editors of local television station TG and the press of Dziennik Zachodni [Western Daily, DZ]. The meeting was opened by mayor Klaudiusz Kandzia, who welcomed guests and presented the genesis of our city applying for funds from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Fund for thermo-modernisation of the building of the City Office. Then, the Fundraising Department staff presented the audience a multimedia presentation, during which they discussed the principles of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Operational Programme PL04 ​​"Saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources", under which Kalety received the grant. The project entitled "Efficiency energy improvement of the public building through a complex thermo-modernisation of the City Office in Kalety  at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2" was also presented in detail. A current overall design goal of improving the building's energy efficiency and increasing energy production from renewable sources, which leads to a reduction of greenhouse gases and air pollution in our city was indicated. The guests had the opportunity to find out about, among others, the expected results of the project, which were presented in numbers as well as a photographic progress report and a visualization of the building after the investment completion.

At the end of the meeting, all the present guests were asked to complete questionnaires on posters promoting awareness of this project and also assess the level of knowledge about the Financial Mechanism from which Kalety received the grant.


Efficiency energy improvement of the public building through a complex thermo-modernisation of the City Office in Kalety  at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 2

The project co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014 the Operational Program PL04